Curse not those jiggly things They are cushioned for your protection They have carried you from bar to bar to bed back to bar They have been drum sets And trays And pillows for lover’s heads
Run your hands over them Feel where the skin has been torn Let your fingers run down riverbeds of stretch marks Squeeze them and watch blossoms erupt on your skin Remind yourself they are immense because you love the way sweetness Bursts on your tongue Do not apologize for it
Picture your thighs as honeysuckles Watch them bloom with warmth in the summer
Now picture them as warriors Testing the limits of denim, putting jeans through holy wars
Laugh at the way your thighs touch, The way the skin kisses sloppily The way lovers in alley who’ve had too much to drink do
Love your thighs thick and scarred Let them jiggle and roll when you move If someone shakes at their quaking let them stare Your thighs are full of thunder Listen to them shout